Home Away From Home: My Places of Peace in DC

I will always appreciate the many ways in which South Carolina has helped shape me into the woman that I am today but I also can’t honestly say that I miss it much. Really, if it weren’t for my sweetest loved ones in SC or my inner-nature-girl’s connection to it, I’d give Washington D.C. my whole entire heart— at least for this season in my life! I have thoroughly enjoyed living, learning, and loving D.C. for months now. Although it might not be where I end, it has certainly been everything that I imagined for myself at this time and more. Not a day goes by that I’m not most grateful to everything/everyone that has granted me the opportunity to be here and I’m very proud to call this bustling chocolate city my home away from home.

Okay, I have to admit it though. Finding balanced ways to live all of this glory, and be documenting it, is a lot more challenging than I anticipated for it to be when I first began blogging. I was virtual at the time, and although I expected to find goodness in my new future home, there was no way I could’ve ever fathomed these beautiful experiences. Please excuse my absence from writing. I’ve definitely been living my best life more than I’ve been writing about it. The great thing is that I have beautiful stories and gifts to return back with. This morning, I’m giving you a list of spaces that I’ve found great peace and solace in here, even in the midst of college life chaos!

Regardless of where we go, may we always remember how to achieve inner peace for ourselves!


On a pretty day, there is absolutely nothing I’d rather be doing than laying in the grass with my shoes off in one of these beautiful open spaces! Spring has been so good to me thus far and I’m really looking forward to the weather being is consistently warm. One thing that’s for sure is that I’d be outside in the sun all day every day if I could!

C A F E S/ F O O D

This semester, Wednesday’s are my least academically challenged days so I’ve decided to dedicate the time to exploring new areas and trying coffee shops around the city every week! I’m very proud of myself because the majority that I’ve been to are Black owned, and it lets me practice my solo navigation. This has definitely been a most valued highlight of my semester.

Sankofa is near campus, and I’ve just felt it to be a very special space since the day I’ve moved here. It’s truly a unique present day example of FUBU and I really appreciate being able to experience the sacredness. Sankofa definitely reminds me of the community of Black people that love Black people at home. I especially enjoy the outdoor seating and the Mango Blast smoothie!

Lastly, my sweet boyfriend introduced me to Sprinkles cupcakes awhile ago (as he did many of the places on these lists) and I’ve been terribly addicted ever since. Cupcakes have definitely gotten me through some things since I’ve lived here. I never thought that my comfort food would be a Sprinkles cupcake, but here we are!


As an intentional person and writer, I HAVE to vote Planet Word as the best museum I’ve visited in DC!!! I also really enjoy the Black Power exhibits at the SNMAAHC!

H O W A R D’ S C A M P U S

  • The Yard 

Sometimes my social anxiety prevents me from fully enjoying the yard on a beautiful day, but I’m working on it all the time! I will definitely spend a day before the semester ends.

  • The Valley (The best place for sitting on a warm day!)
  • The area behind Blackburn Cafe that looks over into the reservoir! 

Going out here to eat is a top tier experience. The birds look like the ones that you’d see at a beach. Between them and the *clearly man-made* body of water, it’s giving paradise . . . city edition!


  • HSL! You can find me in the window seating on the third floor and all the way in the back. This is only if it’s cold though! On warmer days, I love to sit on one of the benches outside of HSL!


  • Waterfront at Old Town (my favorite date spot!!)
  • Georgetown Waterfront

I’m really looking forward to spending this month at peace in my spaces as much as I can with it being so that in May, I’ll have to return back to my South Carolina home for the summer.

On one hand, I’m very excited to spend quality time with my family! At the same time though, I’m saddened by the thought of having to leave all the places that’ve become my favorites behind.

Ultimately, my highest self knows that I can find comfort, safety, love, and joy regardless of where I am. Sometimes home is not outside of us, but rather within us.

A Word By, Wisdom

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