We Are Already Perfect, Right Here and Right Now!

“There is nothing wrong with me or about me. I am already perfect just as I am. . . . and I’m pretty.”

That‘s the affirmation that fell into my lap this morning, just like magic! The last part actually came a little later after standing in my mirror and letting myself really appreciate how beautiful I feel in my skin today. Walking onto campus and through the halls of my building felt a lot less overwhelming with my knowingness that I’m gorgeous. I should tell myself more often.

This is why I love affirmations and acts of self-definition. Especially when they flow out so naturally, leaving no room for wondering about whether or not God has sent them.

The Divine/Universe/Ancestors/all of the higher powers known and unknown to us are always always always communicating with us and sending us love. As many times as I’ve experienced this all to be a truth for me, receiving my messages with so much clarity never fails to leave me in genuine awe!

I was reading this meditation from a book that was gifted to me by a friend when the second half of it began to make me understand something that I think the Universe has been telling me through different people and experiences for awhile now.

“For some reason we believe if we have to change, there must be something wrong with the way we are. The issue is not right or wrong. The issue is working or not working. Everything must change. . . . When we make minor adjustments as we see they are needed, we save time and the expense of a major overhaul.” (Vanzant, 1993)

I’ve been being way too hard on myself! I’ve been in a cycle of unhealthily desiring to change everything about myself. Lately, I judge so many of the things that I do as “wrong,” and I haven’t had a very positive self-image at all. I’ve been counting my imperfections, and I haven’t been doing the greatest job at balancing my love of self-growth with my self-acceptance. I’ve been very self-critical, but God has the most perfect ways of teaching me of my own perfection.

I won’t always feel this way, but for right now, affirming “I am already perfect just as I am” makes me uneasy on the inside. Fully believing it is something that I just don’t feel the space to be able to do yet. After all these years, it’s going to take some practice.

Same as I think many of us do, I’ve noticed that I’ve lived my life with the belief that perfection doesn’t exist at all. That’s how we’re taught forgiveness when extending grace to ourselves and others after making mistakes or displaying flaws. I think we’ve collectively made the agreement that nobody’s perfect and although it can be comforting at times, it seems to have always resulted in unhealthy cycles of chasing perfection for me.

So today, I’m taking some time to unpack what I’m beginning to relearn and understand about what it means to be perfect.

I’m most happy to be moving into a new season and frequency that transcends this never ending chase. Now, I think that everything that has the capacity to change is already perfect. I am already perfect. YOU are already perfect, right here and right now.

As the beautiful personal-development lovers that you and I are, I know how we’re always making attempts to fix ourselves. We’re fixing and fixing and fixing until we’re all fixed out, but by the end we never feel quite fixed up all the way. I’m beginning to understand that it’s because that’s not what we’re here for. The only thing that we’re here to do . . . is change.

Sometimes change does come as a result of our personal-development tactics or as a result of our making mistakes and having unpretty realizations of ways that we could be better.

But also, most times, change doesn’t come as a result of anything that we control. It happens to us and around us because we’re alive! We’re always changing both knowingly and unknowingly. That comes with being apart of nature. As long as we’re here on this beautiful planet doing what we were sent here to do: be living, be loving, be growing, and be changing, then I don’t see a reason why we aren’t perfect beings.

You get to decide what perfection is to you. No one else.

As for myself, I will choose to hold space for ugliness, mistakes, mess ups, pains, darkness, etc. in my new ideas of perfection, because I know how all of those things can coexist with divine love and light. We are so beautiful, and even when we’re in seasons where we’re not, we are always being guided through a higher plan. Nothing that we can ever do or not do, can diminish our purpose and our value for being alive. God saw you and I fit to be here, so here we are . . . and perfectly so!

A Word by, Wisdom

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